Leads Based Wholesale Training


$100/lead with 10 lead minimum

What is this JV Partnership Program?

This program is a leads based JV partnership program that teaches you how to wholesale in a live wholesaling environment. We teach you step by step how to wholesale. All assignments that are sold will be a 40-20-40 split. 40% will go towards the acquisitions member that converted the lead to a contract. 20% will go towards the wholesale instructors. 40% will go to the disposition member that sells the assignment. This is designed to be a training program that pays you as you learn from actually doing deals in a live environment vs. learning courses in a classroom and having no ownership in the assignment deals.

Why is your program different?

Typical training programs are very expensive and instructional only. You spend a ton of money to learn everything but now you have no money to do any deals. Our approach has no commitments, no subscriptions, and can be done at your own speed and within any budget you want to commit to. Our wholesaling training program is a leads based joint venture partnership agreement. Essentially you cover the marketing cost for generating leads and we will work the leads with you as they come in. This approach lets you work 1 on 1 with an individual instructor to learn how to wholesaling step by step by actually working live leads in a live environment. We teach you what you need to know to advance your wholesaling knowledge and career.

What am I buying?

You are buying training lead credits. However many lead credits you purchase, we will use the funds to generate leads through our advertising systems. As leads become available throughout the month, those credits become actual seller leads for individuals needing to sell their property. We will use each lead to offer you hands on training so that you may learn and understand how to wholesale real estate.

What can I expect?

This program is not a guaranteed source of income. This is not a get rich quick program. What you can expect, is to receive valuable training in a program that is designed to reward members who are dedicated to learning and growing.

How many credits should I purchase?

We do not recommend purchasing less than 15 leads at a time, however, you are free to purchase as many as you wish. The more leads you purchase, the more training you will receive based on each stage of the deal so we highly highly highly suggest purchasing a minimum of 15-20 leads at a time to be able to work enough leads to continue your education and have the highest chance for success. Purchasing less than this and there is a higher probability than not, you wont have enough leads to learn what you need to learn or also be able to see any results from your work. We want new wholesalers to see successful and feel they are gaining valuable instruction. Less than 15 leads and there is not typically enough opportunity for the new member to learn or see results. We recommend committing to a minimum of 30-50 leads over at least a 3 month period. This is the range at which most members begin to see results, begin to understand the process, have confidence in themselves, confidence in their decision making, and about the time frame to begin to see deals go to closing.

What is average?

Every market, marketing campaign, seller situation, and lead is different and needs to be structured differently. On average we are seeing 1 out of 10 leads being converted to assignable contracts. This can be more or less, but this is a safe average to considerate. Our average assignment fee is typically $10,000 and a 40-20-40 split.

What do you teach in the program?

The program is broken into 3 categories. As you learn and grow by doing more and more leads, we will begin to teach you the next step of the process. Stay as long as you wish to stay at each stage so that you fully understand each step before committing to learning the next step. This allows you to master each area before focusing efforts on learning the next step.

  • Step1- Acquisitions

    • This is the initial level for new wholesalers just starting out. In this step, we will focus on how to speak to seller. We will show you what questions to ask and what information is needed to be able to analyze the deal. We will also teach you different creative ways to structure the deal that may be more favorable to buyers and generally make for faster sells. Advance whenever you are ready but for most members, we recommend dedicating 30 leads learning acquisitions before advancing.

  • Step2- Contracts and Negotiations

    • This will build onto step 1 by showing additional methods for negotiating with the sellers to make deals more presentable. Also by the time you are at this stage, you should have some deals that need to be contracted. We will show you how to work the contracts and which forms to use.

  • Step3-Dispositions

    • In this step, we will show you how to work with the closing attorney or title company. We will also show you how to market your deals to the public and how to grow your buyer's network.

Post training

Once you understand each aspect of wholesaling, you are more than welcome to continue in the program and reap the benefits using our platform and not have the headache of running your own business or you can take the leap and venture out on your own. If you venture out solo, we can also help get you setup using the same system and process we use and teach you how to use our automated SAAS platform. Either way we would love to have you as a continued member of our network and collaboration with future members.